
Based on the CDC Guidelines… Some guidelines are still in place based on vaccinations. Please email us to discuss your meeting or event. Please fill out your order form of your needs in detail.

We will continue to take all extra precautions in our food safety, with multiple hand washing, gloves, and masks during preparation and deliveries.


For events

Event Catering

Breakfast, lunches, dinner, afternoon snacks for business meetings, workshops, and special events

Fit Wit’ Flava

Transform your dining experience with personalized meal planning that harmoniously blends health with taste. Delight in the convenience and flavor of meals crafted to fit your unique lifestyle and dietary preferences.

From individual meals to meet your fitness goals or an on-the-go lifestyle to feeding your family a delicious and nutritious dinner.

Miss’ipi Chef got you covered!



Video Conference Meeting Catering

Feed your team even while working from home. We deliver meals to all participants, so you can eat together or at your discretion.


Get Fit

Coop’s Pro Extreme Fitness

Need a exercise plan? We are proud to partner with Coop’s Pro Extreme Fitness.


Covid Safe

Delivery & Pickup

Serving Metro PDX and the surrounding areas. Multiple delivery options available.


Ready for somethin’ Down‑home & Delicious?

…or maybe light & tasty?